Monday, August 25, 2008

Have you seen a great feature on a Library catalogue?

If you have , we'd like to hear about it. The more input we get, the better.
Here are a couple of innovative interfaces that we've come across:



Have a look and let us know what you like or don't like about them, or tell us what other catalogue features you think would be good to have.


KP said...

There are some features of a Library 2.0 catalogue that we perhaps should consider as not negotiable e.g. faceted searching? What else is on the not negotiable list? Fuzzy logic?

Katrina said...

I have just come across something that looks really exciting. The University of Virginia Library has developed something named LibX which is essentially a browser plug in for libraries. That means that our library catalogue search appears on the toolbar of your browser. Any words, ISBNs etc from Web searching can be searched for in the library catalogue with a simple click. Have a look here
and here

The University has just won funding to develop something named LibX 2.0.
Found via Resource Shelf.

tash said...

I know this isn't part of a library catalogue, but it's a great special feature for searching the digital collections on the Hermitage Museum's website.
It uses technology developed by IBM, for searching on images without using words. Check it out at:

I love it!!

Chris said...

A LibX plug-in is also available for Murdoch Uni. I read about it on Kate Greenhill's blog, Librarians Matter. Kate gives her own explanation of it at:

Also, it's occurred to me that library clients might appreciate more opportunity to customise their view of the catalogue ie change default settings/remember me so that, for example, if they always want to start by seaching a specific physical collection or by doing a title alpha search they can. This idea may have been picked up elsewhere, so sorry if that's the case!